Friday, February 12, 2010

NYC Q&A about Mtg & Loan Modifications

I am preparing to Promote a series of Question & Answer forums which will introduce to anyone who has a debt obligation including: Residential - Commercial & Industrial Mortgages, Student Loans, Car Loans, Airplane - Boat - Vacation Home - Farm Home Loan - Etc. about
LOAN MODIFICATIONS (to reduce the principal and possibly the interest rate).

The opportunity exist to possibly not have to make any payments for up to 12 months.
We are planning free information forums on 125th Street in Harlem NYC at:
SAMUELS TEMPLE CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST, INC. 75 East 125th Street (at Park Avenue) and other close by meeting places. Upgrade your Financial Literacy paradigm.

We do not process loan modifications or any modifications. We have hired attorneys to work on behalf of our clients to renegotiate the terms of their loans to the current market value and lower the mortgage payment. The modification applications are applicable for handling by the attorneys in all 50 States.

Upgrade your financial literacy & apply the best investment strategies from your choice of competent financial planners & advisors. We do not provide legal advice.
All questions: Office: 646-678-4394; Mobile Phone: 646-296-8994.

10,000. Loan Modifications: Are You in This Number?

I am preparing to Promote a series of Question & Answer forums which introduce anyone who has a debt obligation including: Residential - Commercial & Industrial Mortgages, Student Loans, Car Loans, Airplane - Boat - Vacation Home - Farm Home Loan - Etc. into a LOAN MODIFICATION to reduce the principal & possibly the interest rate. The opportunity exist to also possibly not have to make any payments for up to 12 months.

We want the individuals and families to assume a new economics paradigm.
1. Modify your loan debt.
2. Complete a Financial Needs Analysis.
3. Meet with a competent Financial Planner to see the whole picture of your financial position & how your money should be invested diversifiably.
4. Complete a Budget & Credit consultation.
5. Conclude by knowing how you will spend your money. Satisfy a need with your money, not an emotion and destroy your credit card spending potential. Live for you and not to satisfy your perception of competing with your neighbors You might enjoy steak & broccoli. Your neighbor might enjoy beef shanks & cabbage. Just mind "Your Business".
6. You will see your money, your spouce's money in a whole new light. You will become money wise & conscious. Don't be afraid to say no, when someone wants to borrow your money to satisfy a need and they are not willing to work hard for their money & live within their means.
7. When you loan someone your hard earned money, you are loaning them both the present & future value of the money. You are not simply loaning the principal amount of your money.
8. Money is power. When you loan someone your money who has no intention except "an excuse intention" your money, you are loaning them a portion of your power.
9. Partner with me and the team I generate knowledge & energy with to keep you informed of the directions toward wealth building.
10. Be Your Greatness and not your financial weakness & disaster.