Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Lender & Your Genuine Original Mortgage Note.

Soon, I will post a more detailed Blog concerning the issues of mortgagors challenging mortgage lenders ("The Mortgagee") to prove ownership of the loan documents and produce the "Genuiune Original Mortgage Note." .... Borrowers need an education regarding the instruments which they execute and understand their rights and obligations before and after executing these instruments. I am not an attorney and am not endeavoring to provide legal advice. I will, however seek to help you to construct questions which you can present to a competent legal advisor pursuant to your becoming a more knowlegeable consumer, investor and head of household. In the meanwhile, please post any questions to me which you might have. I hope soon to identify a legal advisor who can contribute to this Blog Category or refer you to existing Blogs by Attorneys which specifically address this category of loan and mortgage concerns. Thx.